In Focus
Taking fresh looks at the Bible and some big Christian ideas and how they bring the world into focus, empowering us to live a more eternal kind of life within it.
In Focus
Movement #3 – Jesus' Vision and Example
Justin Laughlin
Season 3
Episode 48
Today we look at Mark 4:26–29 and Jesus' vision of life when he is our Savior and King. This vision matches Jesus' own example of ministry, mission, and disciple making. Globally, this passage corresponds with a simple tool known as 4Fields, which brings into focus, clearly and simply, a vision for ministry and mission. This foundational passage and tool provide the framework from which we will build out other disciple-making and church-planting tools in the episodes to come.
Training 4Fields
Episode link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/806117/episodes/12905371