In Focus
Taking fresh looks at the Bible and some big Christian ideas and how they bring the world into focus, empowering us to live a more eternal kind of life within it.
49 episodes
The Business at Hand #6 – Faithfulness and Judgment
This episode concludes "The Business at Hand" series by returning to Luke 19 for a final look at two big, important Christian ideas: faithfulness and judgment.Share this epis...
Season 3
Episode 54

The Business at Hand #5 – Being Empowered by the Holy Spirit
Luke records our last account of the King's final instructions for the disciples just before his ascension. After recounting many details we've heard previously from Matthew, Mark, and John, Luke makes this distinct and important contribution t...
Season 3
Episode 53

The Business at Hand #4 – Bringing Peace and Reconciliation
John brings us our third account of the King's business for the disciples between his ascension and his return. Specifically, our business is to be ambassadors of peace and reconciliation. The business at hand is to see people being made right ...
Season 3
Episode 52

The Business at Hand #3 – Gospeling
Today's episode brings into focus the business at hand according to the King's commission in Mark - Gospeling. Share this episodejustlaughwithjody@gmail.com
Season 3
Episode 51

The Business at Hand #2 – Discipling
Matthew 28 records the first account of the King's final instructions for his disciples before his ascension. This "Great Commission" is simply this: Make Disciples. Today's episode is simply an exercise in hearing what Jesus had to s...
Season 3
Episode 50

The Business at Hand #1 - The King's Business
Today's episode is 1 of 5 regarding the business at hand for those of us living between the King's ascension and his return.Episode Linkjustlaughwithjody@gmail.co...
Season 3
Episode 49

Movement #3 – Jesus' Vision and Example
Today we look at Mark 4:26–29 and Jesus' vision of life when he is our Savior and King. This vision matches Jesus' own example of ministry, mission, and disciple making. Globally, this passage corresponds with a simple tool known as 4Fields...
Season 3
Episode 48

Movements #2 – Distinct Movement Values
This second episode on movements explores 2 pairs of values, 2 pairs of biblical principles important for initiating and sustaining disciple-making and church-planting movements. https://www.buzzsprout.com/806117/episodes/12895860
Season 3
Episode 47
Movements #1 — Who's doing what?!
I'm back! After a much-longer-than-expected hiatus, it's time for a quick look back on what God was doing back in the days of the New Testament to appreciate what (and how) God is moving in the world today. (You can also check out this
Season 3
Episode 46

Living in Babylon #7 – Like Father, Like Son
Today finds us in Daniel 5 discovering a number of poignant takeaways from the examples of Belshazzar (what NOT to do) and Daniel (what to do) as the historical Babylonian empire comes to an end.Contact email: justlaughwithjody@gmail.co...
Season 2
Episode 45

Living in Babylon #6 – You Never Know....
This episode continues our look at how to live faithfully in the intersection of culture, politics, and faith in often less-than-ideal circumstances. Learning from the events of Daniel 4, we learn that, regarding life in Babylon, it's hard to p...
Season 2
Episode 44

Living in Babylon #5 – Adventures in Missing the Point
Today's episode is setup by an epic adventure in missing the point. God has spoken. But a short memory and blinding pride get the best of an evil king, setting us up for one of the most famous stories in the Bible. It has a lot to teach us abou...
Season 2
Episode 43

Living in Babylon #4 – Prudence, Discretion, and Dependence
Today's episode dives into Daniel 2 to see what we might have to learn from Daniel about living faithfully in the intersection of politics, history, and culture. What emerges are some big ideas: Prudence, Discretion, and Dependence.Here...
Season 2
Episode 42

Living in Babylon #3 – Concession and Distinction
Today's episode dives into Daniel 1 in search of wisdom and big ideas by which we might better discern how live faithfully in the intersection of history, politics, religion, and culture. It's certainly not easy, but it's doable. What eme...
Season 2
Episode 41

Living in Babylon #2 – Interview with Mark Thomas
Today's episode, the second in the series, is an interview with Justin's long-time friend and inspiration behind the series on Daniel, Mark Thomas.Contact: justlaughwithjody@gmail.comEpisode link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/8061...
Season 2
Episode 40

Living in Babylon #1 – Introducing Babylon
This episode kicks off a new series on Daniel and Babylon. It takes a look at the expansive role of Babylon in the biblical narrative and imagination from Genesis 10 all the way to Revelation 18. This sets us up to understand and appreciate the...
Season 2
Episode 39

Man on Fire
Today we reflect on a famous prophecy from Deuteronomy about the One who will succeed Moses in speaking to the people on behalf of the holy God. Episode link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/806117/episodes/8435620justlaughwithj...
Season 2
Episode 33

Today's episode is a brief reflection on a conversation between God and Moses in Exodus 33. It is all about what makes God's people distinct from all of the people around them. Link to today's episode: https://www.buzzsprout.com/806117/...
Season 2
Episode 32

Stormy Horizons
Jesus concluded his most famous sermon with some wisdom for those staring at a stormy horizon with the tide rolling in. We're facing a similar situation today and ready for the wisdom that Jesus has to offer us.justlaughwithjody@gmail.c...
Season 2
Episode 31

The Blessed (Matthew 5:3-11)
Today's show kicks off a series on doing the Sermon on the Mount. Takeaways in thinking and living and being from Matthew 5:3-11:Perspective. We have to think and live and speak in light of what God is up to in the worl...
Season 1
Episode 30

The Story and the Son
This episode is something of a prequel to "Getting Down to Business" at least in terms of the chronology of God's story. After another overview, it focuses in on Jesus and how the whole story comes together in him. Enjoy!Episode link: h...
Season 1
Episode 29

Getting Down to Business
Here's an effort to grab ahold of the fire that's burning in my heart. God is at work. It's an exciting time. And the stakes couldn't be higher. It's time to get down to business. Today's episode is a little bit of the why and the what to all t...
Season 1
Episode 28

Check Yourself (Entering God's Promises #6)
Today is the final episode in our look at the early chapters of Joshua and the principles we see there about entering into God's promises. When Joshua encounters God face to face, with sword drawn, his very natural question is this, "Are you fo...
Season 1
Episode 27